Asked by: Soumaia Petzsch
Asked in category: real estate, real estate renting and leasing
Last Updated: 14th Sep 2024

Is an aborted patent application prior art

An abandoned patent application could also be considered prior art. Patents granted prior to the filing of a application are prior Art. Even patent applications that have not been granted but have been filed can be considered prior art if published within a few months.

So, are aborted patent applications published?

Provisional Patent Applications are Not Published After 12 months, a provisional application becomes invalid and is therefore not published. A provisional patent application will therefore remain secret at U.S. Patent Office, with some exceptions discussed below.

Similar to prior art, is it possible to patent it? Although prior art is complex legally, it is essential for patent applicants to be able to comprehend. To obtain a patent at the U.S. Trademark Office (USPTO), prior art must be present. A patent granted by the USPTO is not normally granted for an invention that has already been invented.

It is also important to understand what happens if a patent application has been abandoned.

The application can be abandoned before a patent is issued. If the patent application is not published 18 months after it was filed, the abandoned application will be kept private and cannot be viewed in the USPTO database.

How can you tell if a patent has been abandoned?

Search the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Patent Application Information Retrieval System to determine if a patent application has been cancelled.

  1. Visit the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's search portal website (
  2. Click "Public PAIR" to select the Public Patent Application Information Retrieval Search.