Asked by: Frederique Raisky
Asked in category: movies, animation movies
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

In which hotel did Queen Latifah spend her last holiday?

Grandhotel Pupp

Know also, did Queen Latifah pass away in her last holiday?

The film stars Priestley as Georgia, a humble assistant at a store. She is told she has a rare brain disease and has only a few more weeks to live. Before she dies, she immediately decides to spend her last money on a luxurious holiday abroad.

Last Holiday (2006) film

Last Holiday
Box office $43.3 Million

The next question is: What is the last holiday about, then? Georgia Byrd (Queen Latifah), an introverted saleswoman, discovers she has a terminal disease. This prompts her to reflect on her life and realize that it was too cautious. Georgia decides to withdraw her life savings and fly off to Europe, where she lives like an entrepreneur. Georgia is a positive, passionate woman who charms everyone she meets. Even Chef Didier (GA(c).rard Depardieu). Her longtime crush Sean Matthews (LL Cool J) is the only thing that's missing from her new life.

What amount of money did Queen Latifah spend on her last holiday?

Last Holiday

Budget: $45 Million Paramount Finance
Domestic Box Office: $38,399 961 Overseas box office: $4,943,287

How far is Grand Hotel Pupp away from Prague?

Prague is 111 kilometers away from Grandhotel Pupp in Karlovy Vary. Distance by road is 124.9 km.