Asked by: Erasma Stimpfle
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling, food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

How much is Insta Cure #2 per pound?

Our Prices: $16.56
Insta CureaC/ No. 2 can be compared with the time release capsules for colds - the sodium nitrate is broken down to sodium nitrite and then nitric dioxide to cure the meat for a longer time.

How much is a pound worth of cure?

Only 4 ounces will cure 100 lbs of meat. For every 5 lbs of meat, you can use 1 level teaspoon. It works quickly, as some of its alternative names suggest. Sausage and other meats can be smoked or roasted right away.

How much does it cost for 5 pounds of meat to cure? Consumers are advised to use 1 oz. 1 oz. for every 25 lb. for every 5 lb.

You might also ask, "How much salt do you use to curing meat per pound?"

1 ounce sodium Nitride (6.25%), 0.64 ounces of sodium nitrate (4%) and 1 pound of salt is used for 5 lbs of meat.

What is the difference in #1 and #2 curing salts?

The main difference between the two curing salts lies in the fact that prague powder #2 contains both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite. This is a good addition for long-term curing meats. Salami, salami, and air dried hams like prosciutto and serrano ham are all examples.