Asked by: Ivana Kruskop
Asked in category: pets, pet adoptions
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

How much do PetSmart Vets make?

PetSmart Veterinary Salaries in America
The average hourly rate at PetSmart is between $10.06 an hour for Animal Technician and $15.35 for Pet Groomer. Pet Sitter earns approximately $19,882 annually and Dog Trainer earns $31,668 annually.

Also, asked: What can I do if my vet bill is too high?

If You Can't Pay for Veterinary Care

  1. Choose pet insurance.
  2. Apply for a credit line.
  3. Ask about payment options.
  4. You might consider crowdfunding.
  5. Host a group yard sale.
  6. You can use free or low-cost clinics.
  7. Ask your family and friends.
  8. Save your pet money.

Banfield is also cheaper than regular vets. Banfield is a good example of a private vet that is cheaper than the ones found in big box stores. Smaller hospitals and clinics in the neighborhood are usually less expensive than larger specialty hospitals. It is a good idea to ask around. For routine care such as vaccinations, check-ups, spay/neuter, and other general care, a vet is the best place to go.

What is the PetSmart salary?

PetSmart Inc. averages $10.81 per hour for its employees. PetSmart Inc.'s hourly rate ranges between $8.47 and $18.36.

Are there any vets at PetSmart?

PetSmart, Inc., is the largest specialty pet retailer offering services and solutions to meet the lifetime needs of pets. Expert veterinary care can be found in many of our stores. Banfield Pet HospitalA(r) also operates full-service pet hospitals.