Asked by: Edgars Quercy
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

How many water molecules are made in cellular respiration?

When cells undergo aerobic respiration, 6 molecules are produced of carbon dioxide and 6 molecules of water. Up to 30 molecules ofATP (adenosine Triphosphate) is also produced. This is used directly to create energy from each glucose molecule in excess oxygen.

It is also important to understand how water is created during cellular respiration.

Water is formed when H2O and hydrogen react to create water during the electron transport chain. This is the last stage of cellular respiration.

How many water molecules can be formed when ATP production occurs? Producing ATP with oxygen in the presence of one mole glucose yields about 6.02*1023, which is equivalent to 3.61*1024 H2O molecules.

What about cellular respiration, which produces h2o?

Water molecules are formed in mitochondria. They are produced by the electron transport system. When electrons leave the last electron carrier in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, they are absorbed by molecular oxygen and bound to hydrogen ions (protons) to form .

What number of molecules of water can be produced by the electron transportation chain?

Complex IV (cytochrome C oxidase; EEC, also known as cytochrome AAA3, removes four electrons from four molecules of Cytochrome C and transfers them to molecular oxygen, O2. This creates three molecules of water.