Asked by: Lucila Garaygorta
Asked in category: education, college planning, education, college planning
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

How many students does Southeastern University have?


It is also important to know how many students Southeastern Louisiana University has.

It has a total undergraduate enrollment in excess of 13,360. The campus is located in rural areas and covers 365 acres. It follows a semester-based academic schedule. Southeastern Louisiana University is ranked #96-#122 in the 2020 edition Best Colleges.

Also, find out what the GPA requirements for Southeastern University. To be admitted, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. However, students with a lower GPA may submit a special appeal. Higher GPAs are eligible for academic scholarships. The average student at SEU has an average GPA of 3.0. We evaluate scores for the SAT/ACT to ensure college readiness.

Is Southeastern University a good school, besides this?

Southeastern University's academic quality ranks it among the lowest-ranked colleges and universities in our Overall Best Colleges List. The net cost to attend Southeastern University, however, is much higher than the other schools offering the same education.

Is Southeastern University a party college?

School has a strict no partying policy. Drugs, alchohol and nicotene are not allowed. Southeastern would be difficult for those who engage in these activities.