Asked by: Erenia Llabres
Asked in category: medical health, substance abuse
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

How many drinks does the average American have per week?

Aaron White, senior scientific adviser to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, stated that the average American consumes approximately 1.35 drinks per person based on alcoholic beverage sales data. This is an average of 9.5 drinks per week and 494 drinks annually.

How many drinks does an average American consume in a week?

The top ten per cent of American adults consume an average of seventy four alcoholic beverages per week. That's ten drinks per daily! The national averagea is only 10% of Americans. Most Americans drink less than once or twice per week.

The next question is: How much American drink? The average American consumes 40 gallons per year. A Gallup poll found that some 63% adult consume alcohol. The most popular beverage is beer. 42% prefer beer to wine and 34% prefer liquor. Only 19% enjoy liquor.

How many drinks are considered alcoholics per week?

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism states that women should not drink more than three drinks per day, and seven times per week. It is limited to four drinks per day for men and 14 drinks per week for women.

What is the average alcohol consumption?

Today, alcohol consumption is high around the globe. In 2016, the global average alcohol intake was 6.4 liters for people over 15 years old. To account for differences in alcohol contents of different alcoholic beverages (e.g. This is the liters of pure alcohol that are used to measure beer, wine, and spirits.