Asked by: Delfina Ladevesa
Asked in category: healthy living, weight loss, healthy living, weight loss
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

How many calories are in sorghum porridge?

Nutrition Facts
Calories 41 (170 kJ)
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 9 g 3%
Dietary Fiber 0.8 g 3%
Protein 1.4 g

What are the calories in a cup sorghum porridge?

Sorghum is a nutritious, underrated cereal grain. Half a cup uncooked Sorghum (96g) contains ( 2 ): Calories = 316. Protein: 10 grams.

Do you gain weight by eating sorghum? Jowar or Sorghum is a healthy alternative to all-purpose flour. This millet, which is rich, bitter-y, and fibrous, is abundantly grown in India. Maida, which is bleached, refined, and bleached wheat flour, has been linked to constipation and weight gain.

Another question is: Is sorghum porridge good to lose weight?

Sorghum (Jowar). 3/4 cup of sorghum contains 8 grams of protein. Here are some other benefits of sorghum. It can help you lose weight because it is high in fiber. This helps to regulate bowel movements and flush out toxins.

Is Maltabella porridge healthy?

Maltabella porridge is made with sorghum grains. It is rich in flavor, nutritious, and filling. Maltabella porridge is a trusted brand in South Africa, thanks to its natural high levels of carbohydrates, protein, and low level of saturated fats.