Asked by: Gregoire Chertakov
Asked in category: personal finance, frugal living
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

How large is the plastic island in the Pacific?

1.66 million square kilometers

This begs the question: Where is the plastic island in Pacific?

Between Hawaii and California, the Great Pacific Garbage patch is the greatest accumulation of ocean plastic.

Also, find out how large was the Great Pacific Garbage Patch 1997. The patch is estimated to cover 1.6 million kilometers by researchers from The Ocean Cleanup. It is estimated that the plastic concentration in the middle of the patch is up to 100 kg per square kilometer, while it drops to 10 kg per square km in the outer areas.

How big is the Pacific Garbage Patch 2019 in comparison?

1.66 million square kilometers

What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

It is not an isolated area, but rather a large patch of ocean with a high level of plastic debris. It covers an area of approximately 1.6 million square kilometers. This is twice the area in Texas and three times the area in France. It is not visible from space as claimed.