Asked by: Craciun Asif
Asked in category: food and drink, food allergies
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

How far apart should lettuce be planted?

In Ground. Plant lettuce in ground if you have enough space. Place rows 12 to 18 inches apart. According to the University of Illinois Vegetable Directory, you should plant 10 seeds per foot. It is also possible to space the seeds approximately 1 inch apart in each row.

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Seed should be sown 1/8 inch deep and 1 inch apart, in rows 12-18 inches apart. If plants have two to three true leaves, thin to 12-inch spacings if you are using crisphead varieties. For other types, thin to 6 to 10 inches. Lightly broadcasting seed, especially looseleaf varieties, can be done in a single row.

You may also wonder if lettuce can regrow. The head lettuce will eventually die back but most leaf-lettuce leaves can reseed themselves if they are regularly watered and trimmed. Although the results will be less than those of the original plant, you might be able harvest another, better-tasting crop in as little as two weeks.

How long does it take for lettuce to grow in this respect?

45 to 55 Days

Is it possible to grow lettuce again in soil?

You can continue to grow lettuce by cutting the heads of romaine just above the soil line. If you don't want to, remove the entire plant. Instead of dumping the tomato seeds, save them and plant them.