Asked by: Zahra Wiegartner
Asked in category: travel, hotels and motels, travel, hotels and motels
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

How does a timeshare condo work?

A timeshare allows a group of people to own a property. It is usually a vacation property like a condo unit in a resort area. Each buyer typically purchases a specific time period in a unit. Timeshares usually divide the property into one to two-week periods.

Timeshares are also worth it.

Moyer stated that buying a timeshare direct is not worth it. Many people are looking to sell their timeshares on secondary markets. These used timeshares are often sold at a fraction of the cost of buying direct from the source.

You may also be curious about the average cost of timeshares. According to the American Resort Development Association (ARDA), a trade association for timeshare companies in 2012, the average cost of a timeshare was approximately $19,000 with an annual maintenance fee $660. There are many ways to make timeshares profitable.

How long do you have to pay for a timeshare then?

A non-deeded share of timeshares can have an expiration date. Deeded shares confer permanent ownership. A 1/52 share is the average. However, there are smaller shares (1/104 or one week every two years) and larger shares (1/12), which give you a month of use each year.

Timeshares: Why you shouldn't?

Timeshares can be difficult to sell. Timeshares don't appreciate as much as a normal property.