Asked by: Aoife Quittet
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 6th Sep 2024

How does a Croton grow?

Growth Rate
Croton is slow to grow, growing less than 12 inches per year. The plant is usually tall at 3-8 feet and has a spread of 3-6 feet. Its oval shape is due to its coarse, dense leaves.

What is the reason my Croton is not growing?

The soil in which the Croton is planted should be kept moist, but not always wet, during spring and summer as the plant grows. If the soil feels dry to the touch it is time to water. Too much water can lead to root rot. However, too little water can dry out the humidity-loving plant.

The next question is: Can crotons grow inside pots? Croton grown in containers should be watered only if the soil is dry to touch. They should then be watered until the water runs out of the container. It is important to keep the plant away from cold and drafts, as it cannot tolerate temperatures below 60 F.

Where can crotons grow the best?

Crotons thrive in subtropical South Florida and Central Florida. They can be damaged by freezes but they will quickly recover. This plant is most attractive when grown together. They can be used to accent green shrubbery or to add color to any yard.

How often should I water Croton

Water Woes Crotons are sensitive and need to be watered every other day or weekly, depending on their needs. To avoid drowning, the soil should not be left dry for too long. However, watering should be done after the soil has dried. If the leaves are starting to droop you should check the soil and water.