Asked by: Norberto Balazowski
Asked in category: food and drink, cooking
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

How do you use the Hamilton Beach Commercial coffee maker?

Hamilton Beach has a variety of coffee makers, which can make up to four cups.
  1. The basket should be placed on top of the tube leading to the pump. Hold the basket and then lower it into the main body of the urn.
  2. Twist the top to lock it in place.
  3. Just plug in and wait.

How does a coffee urn function?

The water flows from the top of tube outwards and then over the lid of coffee chamber. The lid has perforations that distribute water over the coffee ground. The water seeps through the coffee beans, extracting any water-soluble substances, and then through the coffee chamber's bottom.

Do you also need a filter to use a percolator coffee pot? The percolator coffee pot is a time-honored method of making a strong cup of coffee. It doesn't require a filter technically because it comes with a filter basket. You'll enjoy a smooth, consistent cup of coffee every time you use our premium disc filters in your stainless steel percolator espresso pot.

This will allow you to calculate how much coffee you would use in a commercial coffee machine.

In order to make the best coffee, you should use water that is between 50 and 100 parts per million (ppm), but less than 300 ppm will yield a good cup of espresso.

What is the recommended amount of coffee I should use to make 12 cups of coffee?

Answer: Six mugs is enough for a 12-cup pot. Six mugs equal 12 teaspoons of espresso. You can find 16 tablespoons in one cup so rather than counting 12 tablespoons, you could just have 3/4 cup of coffee.