Asked by: Rusty Mangueira
Asked in category: food and drink, non alcoholic beverages, food and drink, non alcoholic beverages
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

How do you grow sweet Cicely in the UK?

Sweet cicely can be started with a few inches of compost or well-rotted horse manure. Sweet cicely seeds can be planted directly in the garden in autumn. The seeds germinate in spring following several weeks of cold weather and warm temperatures.

People often ask how to tell sweet Cicely from sour Cicely.

You can tell the difference by the scent of aniseed when you break the stem or seed. Sweet Ciclely is an annual that can grow to 1m in height and 1m in full bloom. It has a round hollow stem with down hairs throughout, giving it a velvety feel.

You might also wonder, "How tall does Cicely grow?" Cicely is 3 to 6 feet tall

Also, we were asked how to use sweet Cicely.

You can use the fresh leaves in salads, or you can chop them to use in dishes that contain rhubarb, gooseberries, and other fruits. They can also be used to make fruit salads and other drinks. For a refreshing change, you can use their leaves when baking fish. Sweet cicely is similar to anise but has a lighter flavor.

What can sweet Cicely be used for?

Sweet cicely can be used as an herb. It is used as medicine. It is used as a tea and tonic for asthma, cough, digestive problems, and problems with the urinary tract. It can also be used to purify blood.