Asked by: Efe Gudin
Asked in category: news and politics, law
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How do you explain the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights represents the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution. It outlines the rights of Americans in relation to their government. It provides civil rights and liberties for the individual, including freedom of speech, press and religion.

What is the purpose of Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights in the United States is one of the ten first amendments to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights was created to give citizens specific rights and limit the power of government.

What is another example of the Bill of Rights, aside from what I have just said? The First Amendment protects the right to worship and speak freely. Congress cannot make laws that establish religion or restrict freedom of speech.

Know also: How does the Bill of Rights begin?

Sam. A. Otis Secretary to the Senate. *On September 25, 1789 Congress sent twelve amendments to the states legislatures. Two of them, which had to do without Congressional representation or Congressional pay, were rejected. The Bill of Rights was created from the ten remaining amendments.

What is the Bill of Rights?

One of the key figures in the creation of the Bill of Rights was George Mason. He stormed out of the Constitutional Convention after the Constitution did not contain a declaration about human rights. He then worked to pass amendments that would help citizens protect themselves from intrusive governments.