Asked by: Moncef Cadaya
Asked in category: technology and computing, photo editing software, technology and computing, photo editing software
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

How do you crop an image in Dreamweaver?

To crop a photo or graphic, open the page containing the image and follow these steps:
  1. Click the image that you want to crop and select it.
  2. Click the Crop Icon.
  3. In the Dreamweaver dialog, click OK.
  4. Drag and click the selection handles to draw the area of image that you want to keep.

You should also know how to edit an image in Dreamweaver.

Optimize your image

  1. Open the page that contains the image you wish to optimize. Select the image and click Edit Image Settings in the image Property Inspector.
  2. Make your edits in Image Optimization dialog box, and click OK to optimize your image in Dreamweaver.

How do you insert a photo in a picture? To insert an image from a file:

  1. Place your insertion point wherever you want the image.
  2. Select the Insert tab.
  3. Click the Picture command within the Illustrations group. The Insert Picture dialog box opens.
  4. Click on the desired file and then click Insert to add it into your document. Selecting an image file.

How do I move an image within Dreamweaver 2019

Dreamweaver allows the movement of objects by embedding them into AP Div boxes.

  1. Start Dreamweaver and start one of your HTML documents.
  2. Click on the handle and drag it where you want an object to appear.
  3. Click inside the box to place your cursor there, then click "Insert" once more.

How can I edit a photo?

Crop, rotate, or adjust a photo

  1. Go to from a computer.
  2. Open the photo that you wish to edit.
  3. Click Edit at the top right. . Tip: To compare your edits with the original, click and hold the image while you edit. Click Photo filters to add or modify a filter. .
  4. Click Done at the top right.