Asked by: Bettie Saibert
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating, home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

How do you calculate Ripplefold curtains?

120a (Rod Width), X 2.2(Rod Width Multiplier), = 264a Total width needed for the treatment. A* 54a (Total width needed) = 4.89 Widths. Round up to 5 widths This number is also known as WOM (Width of Measure).

How do you calculate Ripplefold curtain fabric, other than this?

How to Calculate Fabric For Ripplefold Draperies

  1. Calculating Yardage for Ripplefold Draperies. Step 1: Determine the fullness you want for your draperies.
  2. Important: The number 4.89 widths =216a (4 widths) + 48a from the 5 th height.
  3. Adjust the rod's width.
  4. Reduce the fullness factor
  5. The struggle is real!

Also, learn about Ripplefold drapery. Ripplefold Drapery Ripplefold was created by Kirsch. It uses a 1" wide snap tap to attach a flat drapery panel to the top. The ripplefold drapery track is equipped with carriers or rollers that run in the channel.

How do you make Ripplefold curtains?

Ripplefold curtains can be made from flat panels of fabric. The snaps on the curtain panels' header allow for the fabric to be gathered to a desired fullness. You can slide the curtains open or shut by attaching the snaps to the carriers.

How do you calculate curtains' weight?

Add the Velour fabric weight and the liner weight to calculate the curtain weight. This will give you 33 ounces per square mile. Divide 9 to get 3.67 ounces/square foot. The curtain's height is 20 feet. Add 1 foot for the top hem and bottom pocket, then multiply 21x3.67 = 77.07oz.