Asked by: Madelaine Izcue
Asked in category: technology and computing, email
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

How do I use Gmail SMTP relay?

To create a smart host,
  1. Select Mail in Server Administrator and click Settings.
  2. Under Relay all mail through this host, enter
  3. Click Save to close Server admin.
  4. Start the mail services.
  5. After you have completed your configuration, send an test message to verify that your outbound email is flowing.

You may also be curious if Gmail allows SMTP relay.

Gmail recommends that you use the SMTP relay to filter spam and viruses before they reach other contacts. Outgoing messages can be protected with G Suite email security or advanced Gmail settings.

Secondly, how can I test my SMTP server? Follow these steps to test your SMTP service:

  1. Type the following command on a Windows Server client computer or Windows 10 client computer (with telnet clients installed). Enter Telnet at the command prompt and press ENTER.
  2. Type set LocalEcho at the telnet prompt and press ENTER. Next, type open machinename> 25 and press ENTER.

What is the SMTP server to Gmail?

What is the SMTP server to send an email to a customer with an email address ending in Gmail com


Secure Mail Server for Incoming Mail (IMAP). Use SSL
TLS is required for Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP). (use authentication). Use Authentication : Yes Use Startls: Yes (some clients refer to this SSL as "STARTLS") Port: 465 or 587
Name of the account: your full email address ([emailA protected])