Asked by: Aduen Arronis
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

How delete data file in SQL Server?

Using SQL Server Management Studio
Expand Databases. Right-click the database to which you wish to delete the file and click Properties. Select the Pages page. Select the file you want to delete from the Database grid and click Delete. Click OK.

Herein, can we delete NDF file?

You can also delete ndf files by right-clicking on the database name > properties > Files > Click on ndffile and then click on the o Remove button.

Also, is it possible to delete LDF files SQL Server? You can easily create a database by using the mdf files. It's the sp_attach_single_file_db (Transact-SQL) command. It will disappear in a future Microsoft SQL Server. However, you shouldn't delete LDF files.

You may also wonder if it is safe to delete SQL logs.

SQL Server may not be able create a new log file to recover from such an event. In these cases, you will lose your database. The log is safe to delete. However, the transaction log may not be your regular log. The transaction log records every database change, as well as the values before and after.

What are NDF files?

An NDF file can be a user-definable secondary database file that Microsoft SQL Server uses with an extension. ndf are used to store user data. You can also use when the file size grows beyond the specified size. ndf to store additional storage and to allow for the creation of. You could store the ndf file on a separate drive.