Asked by: Jianzhen Ramia
Asked in category: automotive, auto shows
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How can you store saffron-crocus bulbs in a safe manner?

Corms can be placed in a paper bag or mesh bag. To cushion the bulbs, you can line the bag with dried Moss. Keep them dry for at least two months. You can either plant the corms 6-8 weeks before a hard freeze is predicted or force bulbs indoors into pots and then move them outside when soil is available.

Find out how to store crocus bulbs.

To close the bag, place the crocus bulbs in a paper bag. The paper bag should be kept somewhere between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You can store bulbs up to four to five months if the temperature is constant in your storage area.

What do you do after crocus bulbs have finished flowering? Divide the plants every three to five year to restore their abundance of blooms. When flowers have died and the foliage is starting to brown, you can cut the dead leaves and pull out the corms. You can either remove the corms manually or let them fall from the lifted corms.

You might also wonder when you can move crocus bulbs.

When possible, transplant your Crocus bulbs in fall six weeks before the first frost. Use a handheld cultivating fork to loosen the soil around the Crocus. Place a trowel underneath the corms to lift them out of the soil.

What Crocus is used to make saffron

Crocus sativus