Asked by: Afrodisia Blech
Asked in category: family and relationships, bereavement
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How can you spell tragedy plural?

You can count or not count the noun tragedy. The plural form can also be tragedy in more general contexts. In more specific contexts, however, the plural can also be tragedy, e.g. refers to various types of tragedies, or a group of tragedies.

You may also wonder, "How do you say tragic?"

Synonyms of tragic

  1. appalling.
  2. awful.
  3. calamitous.
  4. cataclysmic.
  5. deadly.
  6. deplorable.
  7. destructive.
  8. dire.

What kind of word is tragedy? adjective. Tragic solemnity. Extremely melancholy, or pathetic. This is a tragic situation. Tragic, terrible, fatal, or calamitous:

What is the sentence for tragedy?

Examples of tragedy in the sentence Her son's tragic death was a horrible tragedy. Two students were killed and two others were injured when the gunman opened fire.

What is the plural for telephone?

Telephones is the plural form of telephone.