Asked by: Maelle Nahodkin
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

How can you spell the word legibly

adjective. Ability to be read or deciphered, particularly by writing or printing. Easily identifiable or distinguished. Anger could be seen in his behavior and looks.

Is it a word that is legibly written?

Legible refers to handwriting or print that is readable. Legible refers to readable print or handwriting. It is derived from the Latin term legibilis which means "that can be interpreted." It is legible if you can read the handwriting of someone. Although the person may not be able to write perfectly, it is possible to decipher the letters and make the writing legible.

You might also wonder, "What does the word decipherable" mean? 1. To interpret or read (ambiguous, obscure, and illegible material). 2. Decode is a conversion from code or ciphers to plaintext. deA*cia2pherA*aA*ble adj.

You may also wonder, "What does legibly mean in an article?"

legA*iA*ble. Use legible within a sentence. adjective. The definition for legible means that print or writing is clear and concise enough to be read. A well-written text is an example of what would be considered legible.

What is the best way to use legible in sentences?


  1. Despite all the smoke from the fire, the lawyer still managed to read the will.
  2. Danielle's handwriting can't be read because it is so small.
  3. The teacher may ask you to rewrite your answers if you don't write them in a clear and legible manner.