Asked by: Arancha Ziganda
Asked in category: science, space and astronomy
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

How can you resolve supplementary and complementary angles?

We can calculate the angle of another angle if we know that the angles in a given set form one of these special relations. Add the angle to 180 to determine the complement. 180 - 43 = 137.5Adeg The complement of 43Adeg equals 137Adeg. Add the angle to 90 to determine the complement.

How important is this supplementary angle?

When they add up to 180 degrees, two angles are considered Supplementary. They form a straight angle when combined.

You might also wonder which pair of angles are complementary. Right Angled Triangle. The two non-right angles in a right-angled triangle are complementary. This is because the three angles total 180Adeg and the 90Adeg has been taken by right angle. We call them "Complementary" when two angles add up to 90Adeg.

Are corresponding angles also supplementary?

When the sum of two angles is 180Adeg, they are considered supplementary. The corresponding angles are compatible. All angles with the same position in relation to the parallel lines or the transversal , are the corresponding pairs. 3 + 7, 4 + 8, and 2 + 6.

What is the total of 45 degrees?

The complement of 45Adeg creates a right angle (90Adeg).