Asked by: Glynda Sims
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

How can you prune grapevines in spring?

Grapes need sunlight to develop into plump and juicy sweet fruits.
  1. Before pruning the grapevines, wear safety glasses and gloves.
  2. After carefully inspecting the newly-sown vines, trim them.
  3. Choose one vine for each node on the spurs and canes.
  4. Take out suckers as soon as they appear.

You might also be interested in how to trim grapevines in spring.

When to prune and train: The best time to prune is in the winter (late November/December). Pruning after can make the vine bleed sap and weaken the plant. Spring and summer are the best seasons to train and pinch new shoots and thin fruits.

Can you prune grapevines in March? Grape vines are strong and can be trimmed in March. Grapes should be pruned in spring (February/March or as late as April). Too early pruning can cause damage to the buds and canes.

This will help you decide the best time to prune your grapevines.

It is best to prune grapevines in late winter, typically February, when the vine has gone dormant, and before spring growth.

How can you prune Concord grape vines in spring?

How to Prune Concord Grapevines

  1. Prune in the winter, when the vines have gone dormant. Avoid pruning during severe frosts or when the sap is rising.
  2. The old wood is the best.
  3. Take four to five buds from the old growth and use the pruning shears to cut the vine.
  4. Prune again in spring.
  5. Prune once more in the summer.