Asked by: Yahia Bahin
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

How can you identify lime render?


The same question could be asked about lime render: What color?

Heritage Mortar and Lime Puutty Lime mortar are made with local sands. They can be used to make pale yellow or off-white mortars using Morstead or Wareham sands or Extra Fine White.

Lime render is also expensive. Lime render can be a bit more expensive than standard cement renders but they are easier to apply. They are essential for period properties that have damp problems.

How long does lime last?

The modern acrylic and plastic-based renders will make your job last for anywhere from 20 to 40 years. It all depends on how smooth the job is and how clean the walls are before it was applied.

Render: Why put lime in it?

The lime gives the mix some body and makes it creamy. If there is a crack, the lime will get into it and recalcify. It is self-curing and self-reinforcing in a sense.