Asked by: Bitor Marchenko
Asked in category: technology and computing, desktop publishing, technology and computing, desktop publishing
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

How can you hang punctuation in Illustrator

Open the Paragraph tool panel and click the arrow to the right of the box. To activate Roman hanging punctuation, click the arrow. You will see a drop-down menu in which you can select a Roman Hanging Punctuation.

You might also be interested in how to create a hanging indent using Illustrator.

Create a hanging indent.

  1. Select the list, and then open the Paragraph panel using Window > Type > Paragraph.
  2. You can use a left indent or a negative 1st-line indent.
  3. Once you have selected the list, open the Tabs panel by choosing Window > Type > Tabs.

How do you manipulate type in Illustrator, other than the above? Twirl and Tug Text in Illustrator

  1. Open Adobe Illustrator, and choose the Text tool.
  2. Change the font to suit the message.
  3. Click on your text using the Selection tool (the dark arrow) and control-click (PC : Right-click) on it. Then, drag the mouse down to Create Outlines.
  4. Now, the text is made up of points and routes.

Another question that might be asked is, "How do you hang punctuation?"

To adjust the optical margin:

  1. Select the text.
  2. Select Type > Story. This will open the Story palette (Figure 3). Figure 3.
  3. You can adjust the optical margin. The text will reflow so that punctuation or serifs are not within the margin edges.
  4. Select a size to determine the overhang.

How can you move text in Adobe Illustrator

Lessons Learned: Use to place text along a path

  1. Once you have selected the Type tool, press Alt (Windows), or Option (macOS), and click the edge to add text.
  2. To select the text, drag it across.
  3. Select the Selection Tool and drag the pointer to move it off the corner of the text object.