Asked by: Stanka Daunicht
Asked in category: healthy living, womens health
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

How can you evaluate breasts?

Method of Exam
You can feel the breasts using your flat hand and your fingers. Follow a circular motion around the nipple, along the radial lines (simulate an alarm) or in vertical segments. Feel the entire breast including the tail at the axilla. Feel the areola, nipple.

How do you evaluate your breasts?

Method of Exam: With your fingers and the flat side of your hand, palpate the breasts. Follow a circular motion around the nipple, along the radial lines (simulate an alarm clock), or in vertical segments. Feel the entire breast including the tail at the axilla. Feel the areola, nipple.

What does a lump in your breast look like? The cause of the breast lump, its location and growth will all affect how it feels. These lumps can be painful, hard and immobile, or soft and painless and easily moveable. says lumps are more likely to become cancerous if they don't cause pain, are not hardened, have uneven shapes, or are immobile.

How do you document a normal mammogram?

A normal breast exam document should include a description of the symmetry and contour of the breasts, as well as any lesion. Normal tissue may be soft or finely granular. Normal variants include an asymmetry in breast size.

How can you feel a breast lump?

You should use a firm, even touch to the first few fingers of your hand. Keep the fingers together and flat. Make a circular motion about the size of one quarter. From your collarbone to the top, cover your entire breast.