Asked by: Dung Heermann
Asked in category: technology and computing, operating systems
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

How can I set up SSH key-based authentication on a Linux Server?

This can be done using a utility called "ssh keygen", which comes with the standard OpenSSH suite. This will generate a 2048-bit RSA key pairing, which is sufficient for most purposes. Generating public/private rsa key pair. To save the key, please enter the file (/home/username/).

Another question is: How do I enable SSH key authentication on Linux?

Setting up SSH keys

  1. Use ssh_keygen to create the ssh key pair
  2. Use ssh copy-id to install the public key on a Unix or Linux server.
  3. Register now to join the sudo/wheel group admin account.
  4. Deactivate the password login for root accounts
  5. Test your password less ssh keys login using ssh [emailA protected] command.

Also, where can I store my SSH keys? Set up ssh to avoid being asked for a password

  1. Just run ssh keygen(1) on your computer and hit enter to get a password. This will create both a private key and a public one. They will be saved in / for older SSH versions.
  2. Next, copy the contents of your public key file to /. Next, ssh/authorized_keys to the remote site (the file should have mode 600).

How can I also enable SSH key-based authentication?

Open PuTTY client to login with the Private key through putty. Choose SSH as the connection type. Next, go to Connection >> SSL >> Auth in the left pane. Browse the private key that we have saved under Private key for authentication.

What is SSH key authentication?

SSH public key authentication uses asymmetric cryptographic algorithms to generate two separate keys (a key couple), one "private", and the other "public". The private key is kept secret and stored on the computer that you use to connect with the remote system.