, search a ticker like GOOGL, and click the 'Historical prices' link on the left panel. You may use URLs like to open pages with historical prices directly.">, search a ticker like GOOGL, and click the 'Historical prices' link on the left panel. You may use URLs like to open pages with historical prices directly." />, search a ticker like GOOGL, and click the 'Historical prices' link on the left panel. You may use URLs like to open pages with historical prices directly.">
Asked by: Charlesetta Otañu
Asked in category: personal finance, options
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

How can I locate historical data in Google Finance?

You may open">, search a ticker like GOOGL, and click the 'Historical prices' link on the left panel. You may use URLs like to open pages with historical prices directly.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "How do I find historical stock data in Google Finance?"

You may open">, search a ticker like GOOGL, and click the 'Historical prices' link on the left panel. You may use URLs like to open pages with historical prices directly.

How can I import Google Finance data to Excel? The data can then be imported into Excel using a web query that uses Google sheet as the data origin. Follow the below steps to do this.

Stock Quotes in Excel via Google Sheets

  1. Step 1: Create a Google Sheets template.
  2. Step 2: Add stocks and mutual funds.
  3. Step 3: Publish as Web Page.

How can I access data from Google Finance?

It will only take a few moments to download your stock data and then import it.

  1. Log in to Google Finance by visiting
  2. Click on "Portfolios." Select the portfolio that you wish to export if you have multiple portfolios.
  3. Click on "Download to Spreadsheet."
  4. Open Excel.
  5. Click on "File", then click on the "Open" button.

Does Google Finance still exist?

Google announced that Google Finance was live yesterday. Only a few financial news and data are left. For financial information, I use 8-k, 10k from SEC and Google NEWS search for news. The new Google Finance is unnecessary.