Asked by: Arancha Bilichenko
Asked in category: personal finance, health insurance
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How can I find my NPI number online?

CMS has created an online NPI registry( where a physician, other health care provider, or organization can access NPI information. This web site is part of the National Plan and Provider Emulation System (NPPES), which is where NPI registry is complete.

Therefore, is NPI information public?

NPI is a unique number of ten digits that is assigned to each health care provider by Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This public data is used by many online directories. You need to ensure that your NPI profile includes the information you wish patients to see.

What does an NPI number look and feel like? What does a National Provider Identifier Number (NPI) look like? The NPI is an intelligence-free, 10-position numeric identifier (ten-digit number ). This means that the number doesn't contain any other information about you, such as your state or medical specialty.

What happens to the NPI number?

The National Plan & Provider Enumeration Systems (NPPES) issues NPIs. The NPI does not contain embedded intelligence or coding that could identify the state of the dentist, license number. It is simply an random number that never expires.

Is it possible to get an NPI number with no job?

All healthcare providers and organizations that are covered under HIPAA must have a NPI. This includes doctors, nurse practitioners, social workers, and home-health agencies. A NPI is not required for healthcare industry workers, such as hospital housekeeping staff or medical billing personnel who don't provide direct care.