Asked by: Milenka Lopetegui
Asked in category: family and relationships, marriage and civil unions
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

How can I apply for an Ohio marriage license?

Ohio residents need to obtain a license in the county they reside. The Franklin County Probate Court must issue a marriage certificate. The license is valid in any part of Ohio.

What do you need in Ohio to obtain a marriage license?

You will need valid photo identification such as a driver’s license, passport, visa, or state-issued ID. Your Social Security numbers, birthplace, and occupation will be required. Be prepared to provide your parents' names and the name the person who will be marrying you.

What is the cost of a Ohio marriage license? The county is responsible for setting the fee and it can vary. The Hamilton County license fee is $45 and Montgomery County $55, respectively. The fee generally ranges between $40 and $60.

How long does it take for an Ohio marriage license to be issued?

60 days

Online application for marriage licenses possible

Online application for a Marriage License can be made via "City Clerk Online". This will speed the process, which must then be completed in person at the Office of the City Clerk. While you wait, your Marriage License will be processed.