Asked by: Sory Mengibar
Asked in category: pets, reptiles, pets, reptiles
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

How big does a fire skink get?

37 cm

Also, are fire skinks suitable pets?

The African Fire Skink. Although a fire skink can be difficult to keep, it is a beautiful lizard that can be hardy and easy to care for. It rewards hobbyists with its personality and good looks.

Similar to fire skinks, do they need a heat lamp as well? These tiny critters, like terrestrial skinks do not require extreme heat or light. However, they do require heat and UVB during the day.

Do fire skinks also like to be handled?

This trait is often attributed to fire skinks as being shy and introverted. However, it is not true. Fire skinks are docile and will tolerate handling. However, they can be very fast and can be squirmy.

Can fire skinks eat fruits?

The diet consists mainly of insects, spiders, spiders, worms, and snails. However, some fire skinks will also eat small pieces of fruit. Fire skinks can only drink from a small water bowl. Larger bowls could cause them to drown.