Asked by: Delpha Muksunov
Asked in category: medical health, cold and flu
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Hibiscus is safe for children?

Hibiscus, a beautiful flower that can grow in warm climates, is an immune-support herb. It's best for children with a cold or lots of phlegm. It is a strong, sour tasting herb with a beautiful red color that children enjoy. This herb can be mildly laxative.

Can children also take herbs?

Gladstar says that herbs can safely be used safely for many childhood diseases if they are properly administered. This means that a six year old child should only receive 1/3 of an adult's dose.

Children can also take echinacea. The drug regulator warns that parents should not give echinacea to children younger than 12 years old as it can cause severe allergic reactions. Echinacea is a natural treatment for common ailments that has been used for many years.

This is how I can give goldenseal my child.

Goldenseal should be avoided for newborn babies as it can cause brain damage. Without medical advice, do not give any herbal/health supplements to a baby.

Is mugwort safe to use with children?

Mugwort is not safe or effective in any way, so it's best to avoid it for children.