Asked by: Sandel Siemann
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Does NV Energy pick up old refrigerator?

NV Energy claims that customers who take part in its second Refrigerator Recycling Program can have their old appliances taken away for free and receive a $50 check. To schedule a free pick up of your old refrigerator, call 1-877-289-8260 or visit the company online at

Who will take your old fridge away for free?

There is actually a program that recycles refrigerators and freezers. They will even do the heavy lifting. It's called I&M’s Appliance recycling program. You just need to schedule a free pick-up, and then wait for your $40 check to arrive in the mail.

You may also wonder, "How do I get rid my old fridge?" How to Control Stress Effectively:

  1. Ask your appliance retailer if they can pick up your old fridge.
  2. Get rid of your old fridge.
  3. Donate your gently used fridge to charity
  4. Your refrigerator should be thrown out with the trash
  5. Use junk removal services for old refrigerator.

Another question is: Does Edison also pick up old refrigerators?"

Southern California Edison (SCE), offers $50 and free pick-up to recycle inefficient fridges and freezers. This is in an effort to help customers save money and energy. An old fridge can use twice as much energy as a newer model, and can result in a $180 annual waste keeping a six-pack soda chilled.

Are refrigerators prone to deterioration in storage?

If left in storage for a long time, appliances, refrigerators, and washing machines, can become damaged. If water is not drained completely before storage, they can suffer damage.