Asked by: Rilma Awdyushin
Asked in category: medical health, cancer
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Does metastasis mean cancer?

Metastasis refers to the spreading of cancer cells into new areas of the body. It is often done via the bloodstream or lymph system. Metastatic cancer or metastatic tumor is a form of cancer that has spread beyond the original site of origin or the place it began to spread into other areas.

This being said, what is the survival rate of metastatic cancer?

Five-year survival rates for patients with advanced lung cancer (metastasized) is five percent. The overall survival rate doesn't indicate if cancer survivors are still receiving treatment after five years, or if they have achieved remission (cancer-free).

You might also wonder if there is a particular type of cancer that is more likely to spread. The most common areas for cancer cells to spread or "metastasize" are the bones, liver, and lungs. These cancer cells can grow new metastatic tumors once they have reached the bone.

What happens if cancer spreads to other parts of the body?

Metastasis is when cancer cells travel through the bloodstream or lymph system to form new tumors (metastatic cancers) in other areas of the body. Metastatic cancer is the same type as primary cancer.

What is the stage of metastatic cancer?

Metastatic cancer, also known as stage IV or advanced cancer, is often called this. This happens when metastatic cancer cells split from the original tumor and spread through bloodstreams or lymph vessels to other parts of the body. Cancer can most commonly spread to nearby lymph nodes.