Asked by: Leonidas Petronilho
Asked in category: television, reality tv
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

Can you wish a genie free?

It is usually done with a wish, something like "I wish you could be free", but it doesn’t have to be these exact words or involve wishing. Two basic types are possible: if the master is a Benevolent Gienie, he may give this as his last wish.

Can you ask for more wishes from the genie?

The first assumption is that a genie can only grant you three wishes and cannot grant you more. You cannot desire more wishes. There is no way you can wish to bring back the dead or kill them. It is impossible to wish for someone to fall in love.

What wishes can a genie grant that are not listed above? The Three Wishes A Giant Cannot Grant: No Death Wish. You can't wish someone to die. The Genie cannot't cause death. They cannot work around this by casting Curses, or any other magical malevolence that leads to death. It is impossible to wish for another person to kill you.

This is how you can ask the genie to grant unlimited wishes.

You can request total control over the genie and have it grant you all you desire, including infinite wishes. Ask for unlimited money or bribe the wizard if all else fails.

How many wishes do genies grant?

Three wishes