Asked by: Battista Giske
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling, food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

Can you use wood pellets in a corn stove?

Most corn stoves can either burn corn or pellets, or a combination of both. Pellet stoves will burn wood pellets with a little corn added in. Wood pellets can be made from sawdust derived from timber mills. Hardwood has a lower ash content than corn.

Can you therefore burn corn in a wood-burning stove?

Corn stoves are designed to burn small amounts of granular fuel. Corn and burning stoves look very similar to pellet and burning stoves. Both corn as well as pellets have very dense contents. These fuels won't burn well in an open pile in the fire chamber.

You may also wonder what the difference is between a corn stove or a pellet stove. Corn stoves can burn whole kernel shelled corn for burning. A corn stove has a different design than a corn stove. It includes a metal stirring rod and an active ash-removal system. It is specifically designed to burn corn, as the name suggests.

It doesn't matter if you use wood pellets or corn, it will still burn.

While food is the most obvious use, it's also a good source of heating. About 8,000 BTU/lb is produced by shelled corn. A pellet stove produces about 8,000 BTU/lb heat, which is comparable with wood pellets. To heat a 1,500 square-foot home, you need to consume approximately 450 lbs of corn each day.

What else can you put in a pellet stove to heat?

You can also try switchinggrass pellets and cherry pits, alfalfa (smells like pot when burned from what I've been told), cardboard pellets, buckwheat, corn, and other biomass fuels. However, you should avoid cordwood and coal.