Asked by: Erin Newmark
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Can you run after hip replacement?

Many surgeons will not allow you to resume a running program following a total hip replacement. However, some others believe that it is possible depending on bone quality and prosthetic materials.

What other sports are there after a hip replacement?

Although surgeons might have different opinions, patients can still participate in low-impact activities after a total hip replacement. These include, but are not limited to, swimming, doubles tennis and golf, as well as hiking, cycling, low impact aerobics, rowing, and bicycling.

Also, do you know if you can run with a prosthetic leg? A. Hip Replacements can relieve pain and improve function in people who have worn-out joint. Studies have also shown that people who perform high-impact activities such as running, experience a higher wear rate on prosthetic joints and more revision surgeries.

What exercises should you avoid after a hip replacement?


  1. Hip flexion beyond 90 degrees: This is when your hips should not be bent too far, or your knees too high.
  2. Adduction: Crossing your non-operative leg over your operated leg (adduction). This hip precaution is important to ensure that you don't cross your legs while lying down.

After a hip replacement, what can you do?

The Don'ts

  1. For at least 6-8 weeks, don't cross your legs below the knees.
  2. Do not elevate your knees higher than your hips.
  3. When you are sitting, don't lean forward.
  4. Do not try to grab something from the floor while sitting.
  5. When you bend down, don't turn your ankles inwardly or outwardly.