Asked by: Potenciana Espluga
Asked in category: medical health, cold and flu
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Can you have a sinus infection without a stuffy nose?

Sinus Headache without Congestion. Sinus Headache is the most common cause of sinus headaches. Because of the mucus and swelling that can block the sinuses, this causes pressure buildup and prevents proper airflow and drainage. Congestion is rare.

You may also ask: Can you have a sinus infection and not feel it?

Many patients may have multiple symptoms and signs at once. Some may have intermittent symptoms, while most don't have all symptoms at the same time. Sinusitis or sinus infection can be characterized by the following symptoms: Headache caused by pressure in the sinuses.

What happens if a sinus infection is not treated? Dr. Sindwani states that rare cases can lead to serious complications. Antibiotics can also be used to prevent the spread of sinus infections to the brain or eyes. Dr. Sindwani warns that this can cause serious conditions such as meningitis and brain abscess.

Furthermore, is it possible to get a sinus infection even if you have a cold?

Although colds are not usually a cause of sinus infections, Davtyan says they can be a breeding ground. A When you are sick, you touch your nasal area a lot. Each time that you touch your nose brings more bacteria to your sinuses. Because your sinuses don't drain, bacteria stays there and grows.

How do you know if your sinus infection is bacterial or viral?

Sinus infections are most often viral and are usually caused by the virus responsible for the common cold. Based on symptoms, how can you determine if your infection is viral or bacterial. Normaly, it's impossible. A bacterial infection is not indicated by symptoms like fever, yellow mucus, headache, and bad breath.