Asked by: Andreina Saitiev
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, spirituality
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

Can you grow cantaloupe seeds using a cantaloupe?

Planting Cantaloupe Seeds Indoors
Cantaloupes require a long and warm growing season in order to bear fruit. It is best to start the seeds indoors if you are growing them in cooler climates. The seeds should be planted in peat pots for two to four weeks before they are ready to go outside.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "How do I plant cantaloupe seed?"

You can sow seeds outside if you live in warmer climates. However, it is best to wait for the soil temperature to reach 65 degrees before you do this to ensure good germination. Sow seeds 1 inch deep in hills 3 feet apart. You can also train vines to a support such as a tree or trellis if you have limited space.

You may also wonder, "How long does it take for a tomato to mature from its seed?" 90 days

Can you save cantaloupe seed?

You can also let the cantaloupe seeds air dry. Spread the seeds in one layer on a foil or baking sheet and let them dry in a dry area, away from heat or humidity. The seeds should dry in a matter of days.

Can I grow melons using their seeds?

Planting and Melon Sowing Tips: Grow melons from seedlings or seeds. Seed can be grown for five years. Melon seed will not germinate in soil temperatures below 65AdegF (18AdegC). You can start melons indoors for 4 to 3 weeks before you plant them in the garden.