Asked by: Heriberto Sintra
Asked in category: automotive, auto parts, automotive, auto parts
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Can you drive with a bad transmission solenoid?

You can drive a car that has a bad shift solenoid. The fluid pressure control should still function in the gear with the functioning solenoid. However, you should not put too much stress on the transmission by towing or drag racing.

What are the symptoms of a bad transmission?

If you are experiencing transmission solenoid problems, it will be obvious in one of the following:

  • Delayed gear shifting.
  • You can't downshift and your engine will continue to rev even when you apply the brakes.
  • Your transmission gets stuck in neutral.
  • Shifting gears can be difficult and frustrating.

A bad shift solenoid can also throw a code. Although the cost of replacing shift solenoids is higher than the entire transmission, they are not as costly as replacing the entire transmission. Neglecting to replace a defective transmission shift solenoid could cause serious problems such as driving in the wrong gear for your conditions and speed.

Second, what happens if your transmission is bad?

A bad transmission is not a good idea, and you shouldn't drive it. Although the vehicle can technically still be driven, every time that drives it you risk your chances. You will need to repair your vehicle more if metal shavings start to chip off and get in your coolant.

How long does it take for a transmission solenoid to be replaced?

2-4 hours