Asked by: Haider Azcue
Asked in category: pets, birds
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

Can you buy wild turkeys?

Answer: It is legal to sell or purchase domestic poultry that are sold as wild turkeys. It is illegal to release wild turkeys from domestic chickens raised for hunting or propagation.

This begs the question: Can wild turkeys cause you harm?

Aggressive turkeys Wild turkeys who become used to people and their food, such as bird seed, can be aggressive and may attempt to control people. Turkeys who repeatedly challenge or attack people could eventually have to be killed.

Why would a wild turkey go alone? Ground nesting turkeys make them vulnerable to predators. These predators can either eat their eggs or kill the young turkeys. One of these guys could be your lone turkey.

What can I do to attract turkeys?

Clemson Extension Forestry & Natural Resources specialists recommend field corn, oats and ryegrass to complement clover and chufa. Turkeys will eat field corn from fall to winter. To ensure enough corn for wildlife like deer, be sure to plant at most one acre.

How can you tell if you are allergic to turkeys?

Find the ideal location to call turkeys, and then shoot them as soon as they appear. You should look out for signs such as tracks, tracks, and strut marks along logging roads. Also, look for scat feathers and wing feathers close to roosting areas.