Asked by: Crisanto Nahodkin
Asked in category: food and drink, food allergies
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Can you be water intolerant?

Symptoms Hives following skin contact with water

So, how can you be allergic drinking water?

It is possible to become allergic to water, but this is a rare condition called aquagenic urticaria. Many allergy sufferers don't realize that their bodies might be reacting to chemicals in the tap water at home.

You might also wonder, "What causes water allergy?" It is not clear what causes aquagenic urticaria. Scientists have suggested the following theories: A substance that dissolves in water enters the skin, triggering an immune response. According to this theory, the hives do not occur because of water but an allergen in water.

It is also asked if water can be drunk if you have Aquagenic Urticaria.

Aquagenic urticaria is a condition that prevents you from touching water. It is not always possible. Limit your contact with water to the extent possible.

What percentage of people are allergic?

One in every 230,000,000 people is affected by aquagenic urticaria. According to this estimate, only 32 people are affected by the condition. We are a large team, and we see over 2,000 new patients with urticaria every year. Maurer says that we also have three patients with aquagenic urticaria.