Asked by: Semiramis Baiona
Asked in category: healthy living, womens health
Last Updated: 14th Sep 2024

Can a pregnant mother still breastfeed?

Yes, you can breastfeed. Your body will continue to make milk even if you are pregnant. Breastfeeding while pregnant can enhance certain side effects. You may feel sicker if you experience nausea. Breastfeeding can make your sensitive nipples more sensitive.

Also, breastfeeding can cause miscarriage early in pregnancy.

There are many opinions on breastfeeding during pregnancy. However, there has never been any research that found an increase in miscarriage risk for women who continue to breastfeed an older child. Doctors used to tell women to stop breastfeeding if they were pregnant again in the past.

The question then becomes, "Can Breastfeeding prevent pregnancy?" LAM, also known as the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (exclusive breastfeeding) of birth control. As long as the following conditions are met, exclusive breastfeeding is 98-99.5% effective at preventing pregnancy.

Second, is it possible for a mother to breastfeed during pregnancy?

Yes, breastfeeding and pregnancy can be done together. Your breast milk is safe even if you are pregnant. Experts say that pregnancy hormones can't easily pass into breast milk.

What are the signs of pregnancy during breastfeeding?

Consider the following: The physical changes that your body experiences during pregnancy and breastfeeding (such as nausea, fatigue, and other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms) can pose challenges. Your breastmilk may be affected by hormonal changes during pregnancy.