Asked by: Naji Froitzheim
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Are you worried about raking leaves on your lawn?

Instead of raking leaves, wait until they are crunchy and ready to be jumped into. Then cut the leaves into small pieces. Michigan State research shows that leaves left on lawns can cause damage to your lawn and even hinder weed growth.

Should leaves be kept on the lawn in winter?

While it's true, at least in part, that too many leaves can choke lawn areas if they're left in large piles over winter, mulching the leaves can be a great way to build soil and support a healthy yard.

Why should you not rake leaves in fall? According to the NWF, leaf raking can also disrupt natural habitats. This is because insects and amphibians rely on leaf to provide shelter, food, and nesting material.

Second, is it okay to mow leaves rather than rake?

By mowing leaves, you can avoid raking and instead chop them into smaller pieces. Chopping leaves first is a good way to speed up their decomposition. You can use a grass catcher to collect leaves while you mow above them. Leaf pieces can also be left on the lawn to naturally decompose.

Why is it necessary for me to rake the leaves from my lawn?

People rake leaves because they are taught that leaves can choke a lawn. The leaves can be used as mulch to protect your garden, trees, and shrubs.