Asked by: Geir Assinena
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Are lilacs a common plant in Australia?

Australian growers are generally fine as lilacs can be grown anywhere without experiencing extreme temperature. Plant them where there is plenty of sunlight, at least six hours per day. Although lilacs can grow in places with less sunlight, they won't flower as well.

Then, you might also wonder, "Where do lilacs thrive best?"


  • You can grow lilacs in fertile soil that is humus-rich and well-drained.
  • Choose a location where your lilac can get full sun for at least 6 hours.
  • Check that the site drains well.
  • You can plant either spring or autumn, but the former is better.

Where are lilacs also found? The eastern Europe and temperate Asia regions are home to lilacs. The attractiveness of large clusters of brightly coloured flowers in large, oval shapes is enhanced by their deep green leaves.

This being said, in what climate can lilacs thrive?

Mild climates will love lilacs. Mild-winter climates are not suitable for putting any lilac(Syringa vulgaris), into the ground. However, they will produce a lot of flowers in spring. For lilacs to bloom in spring, they need to be kept cool for a while.

How fast do lilacs grow?

Each year, lilacs reach 12-18 inches in height. Lilacs can reach up to 15 feet in height and 10 feet in width when fully grown. They form an irregular bush once they are mature.