Asked by: Weronika Borgert
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, birdwatching
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Are birds good for gardens?

Damage. Although birds are welcome in your garden, they can also cause damage. They can cause damage to your seeds by eating worms and birds. Your vegetable seeds might be eaten by birds before they can sprout.

It is also important to understand if birds are good for your garden.

In spring, birds eat thousands of insects to feed their young. Healthy gardens are maintained by seed-eating birds like sparrows and finches. These birds are able to consume large quantities of weed seeds and help gardeners keep out unwanted plants.

The question then becomes, "How do I keep birds out of my garden?" Keep birds out of your garden

  1. According to Rutgers Cooperative Extension blackbirds can cause nuisances in gardens.
  2. Crows may also visit your garden to eat fruits or vegetables.
  3. Aluminum screening.
  4. Screening or cloth for hardware
  5. Plastic netting that can be reused.
  6. Paper bags.
  7. Flags and stakes
  8. String and stakes

People often ask why there are so many birds in their gardens.

1. Birds Help Control and Eat Bugs! Birds eat many insects, including aphids and mosquitoes. You can decrease the need to spray pesticides by attracting certain birds to your garden.

Why can't I have birds in my garden, anyway?

Weather conditions, such as wet weather, or late spring, can lead to a shortage of insects foraging for food. Birds flock to gardens to forage and bring their fledglings to the feeder.