Asked by: Lamnouar Espido
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

Why is it called regional metamorphism?

When rocks are buried beneath the crust, it is called regional metamorphism. This is often associated with the formation of mountain ranges and convergent plates boundaries. The plate boundary is gradually being removed from an oceanic spreading Ridge by newly formed oceanic crusts of gabbro, basalt and other minerals.

What causes regional metamorphism, then?

Large geologic processes, such as mountain-building, can cause regional metamorphism. When exposed to the sun, these rocks show the incredible pressure which causes rocks to bend and break due to the mountain-building process. Regional metamorphism often results in foliated rocks like gneiss or schist.

What is regional metamorphism? Regional metamorphism. This occurs over large areas and does not usually have any relationship to igneous body. It causes deformation under non-hydrostatic or differential stress conditions. - Forms metamorphic rocks with strong foliation (slates and schists, or gneiss).

What is a regional, metamorphic rock in this way?

-n.l. ] A type metamorphism where the mineralogy, texture and composition of rocks is altered over large areas by deep burial and heating that are associated with the large-scale forces and effects of plate tectonics.

What is the effect of regional metamorphism on minerals?

quartz, feldspars and ferromagnesian mineral, such as amphiboles and pyroxenes and olivines. How is regional metamorphism affecting minerals? Chemical changes may occur in minerals due to high temperatures and pressures that can be caused by the movement of tectonic plates.