Asked by: Armando Aballe
Asked in category: healthy living, nutrition, healthy living, nutrition, healthy living, nutrition, healthy living, nutrition
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

How is protein broken down in the body

The action of an enzyme called "pepsin" begins protein digestion. Pepsin is an enzyme that acts on proteins molecules by breaking peptide bonds which hold the molecules together. The pancreatic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin complete the digestion of protein in the small intestine.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "How is protein broken down in our bodies?"

When you start chewing, protein digestion starts. Your saliva contains two enzymes, lipase and amylase. They reduce fats and carbohydrates. Hydrochloric acid and enzymes known as proteases are responsible for breaking down protein sources into smaller chains of amino compounds.

How are proteins metabolized and digested in the body? The stomach enzymes and the small intestine convert proteins into amino acids. The stomach contains HCl, which aids in proteolysis. Intestinal cells secrete hormones that direct digestion. Proteolysis is a process where large proteins are broken down into smaller peptides by trypsin or chymotrypsin.

You may also wonder, "How is protein broken down into urine?"

During digestion, protein is broken down into various byproducts. Healthy kidneys filter out harmful byproducts from the urine and remove them. If kidney function is declining, then the protein byproducts can build up in blood and not be eliminated in the urine.

Why can't I digest protein?

The buildup of protein molecules that have not been properly digested in blood can lead to blood clots, high cholesterol and other complications. It can also cause headaches and lethargy by reducing blood circulation.