Asked by: Liming Tihonkih
Asked in category: technology and computing, computer networking
Last Updated: 26th Apr 2024

Why do we need VTP transparent mode?

VTP transparent mode (Cisco). VTP Transport mode doesn't synchronize VLAN configuration data with other switches. VTP advertisement received do not apply to the VLAN databank. This mode can be used if you wish to make the switch independent of current vlan structures.

It is clear that VTP transparent mode serves no purpose.

VTP Transparent mode can be described as a mix of a VTP Server or a VTP Client, but it does not participate in the VTP Domain. Transparent mode allows you to create, modify, and delete VLANs from the local switch without having to affect any other switches, regardless of their mode.

What is the default VTP mode, other than what I have already said? VTP Server is Cisco Switches' default mode. Other modes include Client, Transparent, and Off (configurable only on CatOS Switches). You can edit, delete, create and modify VLANs using a VTP Server mode. Other VTP parameters, such as VTP usernames/passwords and domains, can also be configured with this mode.

Another question is: How do I make VTP transparent?

VTP allows you to configure VLANs on a VTP Server and then distribute that configuration to other VTP devices within the VTP Domain. In transparent mode you can create VLANs and modify them. VTP transparent switches do not participate in VTP.

What is VTP? How does it work?

VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol), a Cisco protocol that allows Cisco switches to exchange VLAN information, is an exclusive protocol. VTP allows you to create a VLAN on one switch. This switch can then transmit information about the VLAN to other switches on a network, and cause others to create that VLAN as well.